Our team.

“ALI training and mentoring has helped me be more inviting with students in my teaching. My lessons are more organized and systematic to involve students. As a result, learners are able to better internalize concepts because they now are asking why, how, etc., and they are able to integrate what we do in class with what they do outside of school.”

- Jackson Maiyo, Paul Boit Boys High School, Turbo, Kenya

Financial Accountability. Impeccable Stewardship.

Our board at ALI monitors projects, advancement, and development.

Impeccable stewardship is one of ALI’s core values. Donor support and grants are viewed as a sacred trust from God, and each is received with a commitment to be wisely used in expanding God’s Kingdom. Thus, it is our great privilege and responsibility to steward the resources we receive by:

  • Carefully monitoring all giving to ensure it is bringing the greatest return

  • Reviewing all ALI programs annually for effectiveness and cost containment

  • Maintaining openness through regular financial reporting

  • Having an independent review of all financial records yearly

  • Directing funds to specific areas of ministry in accordance with a donors’ request (when not possible, donors will be notified of fund reallocation options)

  • Maintaining administrative overhead to no more than 15%

ALI’s stewardship goes beyond the financial because it will take an ever-expanding team of friends, colleagues, and supporters to give of their time, talents, and prayers if ALI is to do the work God has called us to.

“Thanks be to God and to Dan Perrine for being a very good coach and mentor to me. I still remember his words of encouragement when we last met in Uganda at Destiny High School in 2013. I love to teach, and I love to see my students teaching each other as they practice high levels of cognitive thinking.” 

– Thomas Okwera, Gulu, Uganda

Our Staff

Our Advisory Board

Our Nonprofit Board